Frameworks for Change


Appreciating Orienting Mindsets and Beliefs

Knowledge is relational and socially constructed. There is no immaculate perception.
— Dr. David Cooperrider

One (re)creates the world, out of which one lives and acts, with language, stories, images and questions. 

In the short video Bliss talks about how visuals can be valuable in understanding social construction.

  • People act consistently with how they see and what they believe. 

  • Everyone has multiple and changing ways of making meaning.  Context is essential. Creating constructive contexts can shift perceptions, identities and possibilities for joint action.

  • As one communicates, one reconstruct the worlds in which oneself and others live. The world is enlarged by new questions, voices, and images, and by reconstructing the bigger picture together. Constructive intergenerational dialogue can be especially inspiring.

  • All human systems have been created and can be recreated in a more fruitful direction. A generative question opens space for a new world.

  • To learn more about social construction, check out the Taos Institute website!

Training by Bliss Browne at the Hub Picnic #2 in Kyiv, Day 1, September 25, 2010. on social construction

Your Turn!

Make social construction visible by...

  • Providing 10 different endings to the phrase: “I am…” or “I come from…”

  • Asking someone “What stories would you like me to know about you?”

  • Selecting images that tell something about you for story sharing.

  • Drawing a map of “your community”. Why did you include the things you did? How differently might you or others have drawn it?

  • Reflecting on the beliefs in your life that have authority for you. How did you come to believe those so strongly? What happens when you encounter others who see very differently?